studios for artists and creative businesses

Archive for January, 2021

Mark Kennedy – Mosaic Artist

Wednesday, January 20th, 2021

I am a mosaic artist whose work has been on on the streets on Manchester and beyond for 30 years…notably Affleck’s palace and the Etihad stadium. I have made untold amounts of work for untold amounts of people ..a list that I couldn’t possibly detail. A list that would go from street cleaners to hotels to department stores to art institutions to cafes from gangsters to princes to billionaires to the homeless for film stars to magicians for footballers and alchoholics from high lamas to burglars…I think you get my drift…from high end to lowlife…everybody’s pound note is worth exactly the same every publication is worthy of a most proud moment and career high was i drank the ashes of Bernard Manning. And if you buy me a Guinness one day I’ll tell you the story…

Watch youtube videos about my work here, and here, and here!


Instagram: @markkennedymosaics


Mobile: 07970101699

Hope Mill,
113 Pollard Street,
Manchester M4 7JA
© AWOL Studios.
Registered in England and Wales.
Company No. 07394568
Design by
Candoo Creative
Photography by
Richard Tymon